Susannah Wesley’s Prayer – Help me, Lord

Susannah Wesley is sometimes called the ‘Mother of Methodism’. She lived a challenging life and knew what it was to struggle and to suffer. Yet through it all, she longed to experience the presence of God. She was evangelical, teaching her children the meaning and life application of Scripture. Yet she was also contemplative, practising prayer and meditation in the midst of the an overwhelmingly busy and difficult life.

‘Her marriage to a penniless preacher was deeply dysfunctional, she lost nine children in infancy and raised ten more almost single-handedly. Their home was burned down. Twice. Her husband was imprisoned. Twice. And yet her simple, honest persevering prayers undoubtedly changed the world.’ (How to Pray, Pete Greig, p39)

A prayer of Susannah Wesley

Help me, Lord, to remember that religion is not to be confined to the church, or closet, nor exercised only in prayer and meditation, but that everywhere I am in your presence. So may my every word and action have a moral content. May all the happenings of my life prove useful and beneficial to me. May all things instruct me and afford me an opportunity of exercising some virtue and daily learning and growing towards Your likeness. Amen.

Richard Jackson is the Director of LifePictureUK and former Executive Director of Christian charity Family Foundations Trust